
For the IF'09: Stereo conference component national and international artists, designers and engineers acknowledged for their research and production within the thematic have been invited to contribute to an expansion of knowledge by giving a presentation on their research.

IF'09: Stereo presentations are available as ePresence audio/video archives here. * Note: viewers will be prompted for a login link. They should click on the register link and fill in the fields with their name, password, email, etc. and they will then be able to watch the video documentation.

George Legrady Paula Levine Munro Ferguson Willy Le Maitre Steve Dietz Perry Hoberman JoAnn Kuchera-Morin Marten Berkman Sid Fels Ruben Moller Leila Sujir Maria Lantin Jaanis Garancs Henry Daniel Catherine Richards Glen Lowry Henry Tsang M. Simon Levin Alison Reiko Loader Open Ended Group
about IF'09: Stereo schedule keynotes presenters events documentation
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